Notes on chocolate: brownies at the top of their game

Notes on chocolate: brownies at the top of their game

Where can you find the very best? It’s time to talk brownies

The subject of brownies was first introduced to me via the Mrs Piggle-Wiggle series. Such things didn’t exist back then, but now, of course, they are everywhere. Brownies are hard to get really right and they are very individual, what one person likes another loathes. I’m keen to try John Whaite’s Ruff Puff brownies, because if anyone can get them spot on, it’s him, especially since you can no longer buy Paul A Young’s (which were the absolute very best).

Cook brownies for too long and you’ve basically got chocolate cake – nice, but not a squidgy brownie. Cook them for not long enough and you have… uncooked brownie. Let’s not even get into vegan brownies, which are often made using ingredients you can’t spell, let alone pick out in a lineup.

Continue reading… Where can you find the very best? It’s time to talk browniesThe subject of brownies was first introduced to me via the Mrs Piggle-Wiggle series. Such things didn’t exist back then, but now, of course, they are everywhere. Brownies are hard to get really right and they are very individual, what one person likes another loathes. I’m keen to try John Whaite’s Ruff Puff brownies, because if anyone can get them spot on, it’s him, especially since you can no longer buy Paul A Young’s (which were the absolute very best).Cook brownies for too long and you’ve basically got chocolate cake – nice, but not a squidgy brownie. Cook them for not long enough and you have… uncooked brownie. Let’s not even get into vegan brownies, which are often made using ingredients you can’t spell, let alone pick out in a lineup. Continue reading… Food, Life and style, Chocolate 

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