Novel enzyme breaks down and synthesizes previously unexplored glycans with prebiotic potential

Novel enzyme breaks down and synthesizes previously unexplored glycans with prebiotic potential

Carbohydrate chains, or glycans, are complex sugar-like compounds that play important roles in various biological processes and structures in our bodies. Galactosides are a type of glycan found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. For example, galactosides are present in plant cell walls and in certain types of beneficial sugars known as prebiotic oligosaccharides, which support gut health. Carbohydrate chains, or glycans, are complex sugar-like compounds that play important roles in various biological processes and structures in our bodies. Galactosides are a type of glycan found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. For example, galactosides are present in plant cell walls and in certain types of beneficial sugars known as prebiotic oligosaccharides, which support gut health. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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