Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals

Oceans absorb 6% more carbon thanks to rain, study reveals

The ocean plays an important role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing about one-quarter of the carbon emitted by human activities every year. A study published recently in Nature Geoscience and co-authored by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa oceanographer revealed about 6% of the total uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the ocean is due to rainfall. The ocean plays an important role in the global carbon cycle by absorbing about one-quarter of the carbon emitted by human activities every year. A study published recently in Nature Geoscience and co-authored by a University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa oceanographer revealed about 6% of the total uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) by the ocean is due to rainfall. Earth Sciences Environment Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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