On Camera, Iron Gate Falls On 3-Year-Old Pune Girl, She Dies NDTV3-year-old girl crushed to death in Maharashtra as gate falls on her India TodayChild dies after metal gate of housing society falls on her Hindustan Times3-year-old girl dies after metal gate of Pune housing society falls on her | A case of accidental death was registered | Inshorts InshortsOn CCTV: Minor Girl Dies After Gate Falls On Her While Playing Near Pune Times Now On Camera, Iron Gate Falls On 3-Year-Old Pune Girl, She Dies NDTV3-year-old girl crushed to death in Maharashtra as gate falls on her India TodayChild dies after metal gate of housing society falls on her Hindustan Times3-year-old girl dies after metal gate of Pune housing society falls on her | A case of accidental death was registered | Inshorts InshortsOn CCTV: Minor Girl Dies After Gate Falls On Her While Playing Near Pune Times Now Top stories – Google News