Online gambling industry has negative impact on UK economy, says thinktank

Online gambling industry has negative impact on UK economy, says thinktank

Gambling, Society Business | The Guardian

​Campaign for Fairer Gambling report claims betting ‘had the effect of reducing economic activity by £1.3bn per year’Ministers face calls to impose higher taxes on the multibillion-pound online gambling industry as a report claims it has had a “negative impact” on the UK economy.The report, commissioned by the Campaign for Fairer Gambling and produced by economic consultancy National Economic Research Associates (Nera), claims the rise in online gambling has been “detrimental to the British economy”, diverting money from other sectors that create significantly more economic activity. Continue reading… 

Campaign for Fairer Gambling report claims betting ‘had the effect of reducing economic activity by £1.3bn per year’

Ministers face calls to impose higher taxes on the multibillion-pound online gambling industry as a report claims it has had a “negative impact” on the UK economy.

The report, commissioned by the Campaign for Fairer Gambling and produced by economic consultancy National Economic Research Associates (Nera), claims the rise in online gambling has been “detrimental to the British economy”, diverting money from other sectors that create significantly more economic activity.

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