OPINION – SheerLuxe has created an AI fashion editor — but why does she have to be so mind-numbingly banal?

OPINION – SheerLuxe has created an AI fashion editor — but why does she have to be so mind-numbingly banal?

Last week the Clapham-based lifestyle website SheerLuxe made great fanfare in announcing its new fashion editor, Reem. New roles on this beat are rare. In truth, fashion editors are an endangered and rapidly dwindling species; there are but a handful of us left in London. If you want a job, you’re basically waiting for someone to either die or have a baby, so a fresh comrade always piques interest. Reem came with a prominent announcement on an industry directory, flashy Instagram post and dedicated introductory interview feature. Wow, Reem must be really special, I thought; weird I’ve never heard of her.

 Last week the Clapham-based lifestyle website SheerLuxe made great fanfare in announcing its new fashion editor, Reem. New roles on this beat are rare. In truth, fashion editors are an endangered and rapidly dwindling species; there are but a handful of us left in London. If you want a job, you’re basically waiting for someone to either die or have a baby, so a fresh comrade always piques interest. Reem came with a prominent announcement on an industry directory, flashy Instagram post and dedicated introductory interview feature. Wow, Reem must be really special, I thought; weird I’ve never heard of her. Comment 

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