Over 57% men employees are vitamin B12 deficient: 6 diet changes to improve B12 level

Over 57% men employees are vitamin B12 deficient: 6 diet changes to improve B12 level

A recent study highlights that over 57% of male corporate employees in India suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, with nearly 50% of women also exhibiting low levels. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a growing concern among Indian men, particularly corporate employees with demanding work schedules. Prioritize your nutrition today to stay energized, focused, and healthy! A recent study highlights that over 57% of male corporate employees in India suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency, with nearly 50% of women also exhibiting low levels. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a growing concern among Indian men, particularly corporate employees with demanding work schedules. Prioritize your nutrition today to stay energized, focused, and healthy!  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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