Paleolithic Artifacts from Levantine Caves were Deliberately Engraved with Geometric Patterns: Study

Paleolithic Artifacts from Levantine Caves were Deliberately Engraved with Geometric Patterns: Study
The engraved cortical Levallois core from Manot Cave. Image credit: E. Ostrovsky / M. Smelansky / E. Paixão / L. Schunk.

In new research, archaeologists analyzed five engraved artifacts from the Levantine Middle Paleolithic: two engraved Levallois cores from Manot and Qafzeh caves, an engraved plaquette from the site of Quneitra, as well as a flake and cortical blade from Amud Cave.

The post Paleolithic Artifacts from Levantine Caves were Deliberately Engraved with Geometric Patterns: Study appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 In new research, archaeologists analyzed five engraved artifacts from the Levantine Middle Paleolithic: two engraved Levallois cores from Manot and Qafzeh caves, an engraved plaquette from the site of Quneitra, as well as a flake and cortical blade from Amud Cave.
The post Paleolithic Artifacts from Levantine Caves were Deliberately Engraved with Geometric Patterns: Study appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Anthropology, Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, Abstract art, Amud Cave, Engraving, Homo, Homo sapiens, Human, Levallois technique, Levant, Manot cave, Paleolithic, Qafzeh Cave, Quneitra, Rock art, Stone tool Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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