​People hospitalized for COVID-19 may face increased risk of death, study reveals

​People hospitalized for COVID-19 may face increased risk of death, study reveals

Survivors of COVID-19 hospitalization face increased long-term health risks, including death and organ-related disorders for up to 2.5 years post-discharge. Research on 64,000 French residents highlights higher rates of neurological, psychiatric, cardiovascular, and respiratory issues, stressing the need for prolonged healthcare. This study underscores the lasting impact of COVID-19 beyond the initial infection. Survivors of COVID-19 hospitalization face increased long-term health risks, including death and organ-related disorders for up to 2.5 years post-discharge. Research on 64,000 French residents highlights higher rates of neurological, psychiatric, cardiovascular, and respiratory issues, stressing the need for prolonged healthcare. This study underscores the lasting impact of COVID-19 beyond the initial infection.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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