Plastic-greenhouse agriculture: A novel soil profile design for global sustainability and enhanced crop production

A research team has developed a novel conceptual framework for designing plastic-greenhouse soil profiles that cater to the needs of smallholder farmers. The soil profile includes four functional layers: a soil mulch layer for preventing evaporation, a root-carbon layer for nutrient, CO2, and heat generation, a soil-carbon mix layer for buffering and nutrient supply, and a water conservation layer to store water and nutrients. A research team has developed a novel conceptual framework for designing plastic-greenhouse soil profiles that cater to the needs of smallholder farmers. The soil profile includes four functional layers: a soil mulch layer for preventing evaporation, a root-carbon layer for nutrient, CO2, and heat generation, a soil-carbon mix layer for buffering and nutrient supply, and a water conservation layer to store water and nutrients. Agriculture – latest science and technology news stories

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