- Plex raises subscription prices for the first time in a decade Engadget
- Plex ups its price for first time in a decade, changes remote-streaming access Ars Technica
- Plex Is Going to Make You Pay For Its Best Free Feature Gizmodo
- Plex is cracking down on its version of password sharing, and it’s coming with a price hike Android Police
- Plex has to cave and raise its prices after a decade — act now and lock in for life before it happens Windows Central
Plex raises subscription prices for the first time in a decade EngadgetPlex ups its price for first time in a decade, changes remote-streaming access Ars TechnicaPlex Is Going to Make You Pay For Its Best Free Feature GizmodoPlex is cracking down on its version of password sharing, and it’s coming with a price hike Android PolicePlex has to cave and raise its prices after a decade — act now and lock in for life before it happens Windows Central Top stories – Google News