- PM Modi arrives in Marseille with French President Macron, hails Veer Savarkar’s bravery The Hindu
- Averting Engels’ pause: on the AI Action Summit in Paris The Hindu
- 1914, A War Story: How Indian Soldiers Left Their Mark On World War I NDTV
- ‘Strategic partnership, global affairs, terrorism’: What PM Modi, Macron discussed in France Hindustan Times
- PM Modi honours Veer Savarkar during visit to French city Marseille The Times of India
PM Modi arrives in Marseille with French President Macron, hails Veer Savarkar’s bravery The HinduAverting Engels’ pause: on the AI Action Summit in Paris The Hindu1914, A War Story: How Indian Soldiers Left Their Mark On World War I NDTV’Strategic partnership, global affairs, terrorism’: What PM Modi, Macron discussed in France Hindustan TimesPM Modi honours Veer Savarkar during visit to French city Marseille The Times of India Top stories – Google News