- PM Modi France visit Day 2 LIVE: In Marseille, PM to inaugurate new Indian Consulate, honour Indian soldiers martyred in world wars The Hindu
- Why PM Modi Took Savarkar’s Name In Marseilles? What Is The Sea Escape Story? NDTV
- A special friendship marked by extraordinary gestures The Times of India
- Sundar Pichai meets PM Narendra Modi in France, discusses ‘India’s digital transformation’ Hindustan Times
- Did French President Emmanuel Macron Deliberately Not Shake Hands With PM Modi? Zee News
PM Modi France visit Day 2 LIVE: In Marseille, PM to inaugurate new Indian Consulate, honour Indian soldiers martyred in world wars The HinduWhy PM Modi Took Savarkar’s Name In Marseilles? What Is The Sea Escape Story? NDTVA special friendship marked by extraordinary gestures The Times of IndiaSundar Pichai meets PM Narendra Modi in France, discusses ‘India’s digital transformation’ Hindustan TimesDid French President Emmanuel Macron Deliberately Not Shake Hands With PM Modi? Zee News Top stories – Google News