- PM Modi gifts Macron exquisite Dokra artwork, silver mirror to French First Lady The Times of India
- PM Modi’s gifts to France President, US VP Vance’s kids steeped in tradition | What he gifted Hindustan Times
- Toy Train, Jigsaw Puzzle, Alphabet Set: PM Modi’s Eco-Friendly Gifts For US Vice President JD Vance’s Kids News18
- PM Modi’s gifts to French president, first lady rich with Indian traditions Deccan Herald
- Dokra art to special table mirror: PM Modi’s gifts to French President, First Lady of France and others DNA India
PM Modi gifts Macron exquisite Dokra artwork, silver mirror to French First Lady The Times of IndiaPM Modi’s gifts to France President, US VP Vance’s kids steeped in tradition | What he gifted Hindustan TimesToy Train, Jigsaw Puzzle, Alphabet Set: PM Modi’s Eco-Friendly Gifts For US Vice President JD Vance’s Kids News18PM Modi’s gifts to French president, first lady rich with Indian traditions Deccan HeraldDokra art to special table mirror: PM Modi’s gifts to French President, First Lady of France and others DNA India Top stories – Google News