- PM Modi Helps NCP Chief Sharad Pawar Sit, Offers Him Water | Video News18
- Video: At Marathi Lit Fest, PM Modi’s Gesture To Sharad Pawar NDTV
- Amid NEP row, PM bats for education in ‘all languages’: ‘There’s never been animosity…’ Hindustan Times
- ‘Marathi language sweet as nectar’: PM Narendra Modi inaugurates Marathi Sahitya Sammelan on Sharad Pawar’s invitation Mint
- PM Modi hails Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, says ‘RSS inspired lakhs of people like me to live for country’ India TV News
PM Modi Helps NCP Chief Sharad Pawar Sit, Offers Him Water | Video News18Video: At Marathi Lit Fest, PM Modi’s Gesture To Sharad Pawar NDTVAmid NEP row, PM bats for education in ‘all languages’: ‘There’s never been animosity…’ Hindustan Times‘Marathi language sweet as nectar’: PM Narendra Modi inaugurates Marathi Sahitya Sammelan on Sharad Pawar’s invitation MintPM Modi hails Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, says ‘RSS inspired lakhs of people like me to live for country’ India TV News Top stories – Google News