- PM Modi lands in Prayagraj, to take holy dip at Maha Kumbh The Indian Express
- Watch: PM Modi’s Boat Ride With Yogi Adityanath At Maha Kumbh NDTV
- Maha Kumbh: PM Modi Performs Puja At Sangam As Priests Chant Mantras | WATCH News18
- Cosmic blessings for India: How numerology and panchang align for PM Narendra Modi’s sacred Maha Kumbh Sn The Times of India
- PM Modi takes holy dip at Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj India Today
PM Modi lands in Prayagraj, to take holy dip at Maha Kumbh The Indian ExpressWatch: PM Modi’s Boat Ride With Yogi Adityanath At Maha Kumbh NDTVMaha Kumbh: PM Modi Performs Puja At Sangam As Priests Chant Mantras | WATCH News18Cosmic blessings for India: How numerology and panchang align for PM Narendra Modi’s sacred Maha Kumbh Sn The Times of IndiaPM Modi takes holy dip at Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj India Today Top stories – Google News