- PM Modi offers Pinaka rocket systems to France The Times of India
- India offers DRDO-developed Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher to France Hindustan Times
- Video | PM Modi’s France Trip To Give India 3 More Scorpene Class, ‘Hunter-Killer’ Subs? NDTV
- Modi pitches Pinaka rockets to Macron as they discuss defence, civil nuclear ties, IMEC in Marseille ThePrint
- France could buy India’s Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher system The Economic Times
PM Modi offers Pinaka rocket systems to France The Times of IndiaIndia offers DRDO-developed Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher to France Hindustan TimesVideo | PM Modi’s France Trip To Give India 3 More Scorpene Class, ‘Hunter-Killer’ Subs? NDTVModi pitches Pinaka rockets to Macron as they discuss defence, civil nuclear ties, IMEC in Marseille ThePrintFrance could buy India’s Pinaka multi-barrel rocket launcher system The Economic Times Top stories – Google News