- PM Modi to distribute 58 lakh property cards under scheme to digitise rural property records The Hindu
- Economy News Today highlights on December 25, 2024: India appoints IAS Arunish Chawla as the new Revenue Secretary Mint
- PM Modi to offer 5 million property cards under SVAMITVA scheme Hindustan Times
- Over 58 lakh SVAMITVA property cards to be issued, PM to address virtual event on Friday The Economic Times
- PM tells ministers to attend property card distribution events on Dec 27 The Indian Express
PM Modi to distribute 58 lakh property cards under scheme to digitise rural property records The HinduEconomy News Today highlights on December 25, 2024: India appoints IAS Arunish Chawla as the new Revenue Secretary MintPM Modi to offer 5 million property cards under SVAMITVA scheme Hindustan TimesOver 58 lakh SVAMITVA property cards to be issued, PM to address virtual event on Friday The Economic TimesPM tells ministers to attend property card distribution events on Dec 27 The Indian Express Top stories – Google News