- PM Modi transfers ₹22,000 cr to 9.8 crore farmers under 19th installment of PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme The Hindu
- PM-KISAN completes 19 successful installments PIB
- ‘Pashuon ka chaara kha sakte hain’: PM Modi attacks Lalu Yadav over fodder scam Hindustan Times
- PM Modi’s big farmer outreach in Bihar’s Bhagalpur and a dig at Lalu Prasad: ‘Those who can eat animal fo The Times of India
- ‘State farmers got ₹950 crore in 19th instalment’ The Hindu
PM Modi transfers ₹22,000 cr to 9.8 crore farmers under 19th installment of PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme The HinduPM-KISAN completes 19 successful installments PIB‘Pashuon ka chaara kha sakte hain’: PM Modi attacks Lalu Yadav over fodder scam Hindustan TimesPM Modi’s big farmer outreach in Bihar’s Bhagalpur and a dig at Lalu Prasad: ‘Those who can eat animal fo The Times of India‘State farmers got ₹950 crore in 19th instalment’ The Hindu Top stories – Google News