- PM Modi’s Mann Ki Baat: Women achievers to take over PM’s social media accounts to mark Women’s Day The Hindu
- PM Modi to hand over social media accounts to inspiring women on National Women’s Day The Economic Times
- PM Modi To Handover His Social Media Accounts On March 8 — Heres Why Zee News
- International Women’s Day: PM Modi to hand over his X Instagram accounts to selected women on 8 March. Here is why Mint
- Women Achievers To Take Over PM Modi’s Social Media Accounts To Mark Women’s Day NDTV
PM Modi’s Mann Ki Baat: Women achievers to take over PM’s social media accounts to mark Women’s Day The HinduPM Modi to hand over social media accounts to inspiring women on National Women’s Day The Economic TimesPM Modi To Handover His Social Media Accounts On March 8 — Heres Why Zee NewsInternational Women’s Day: PM Modi to hand over his X Instagram accounts to selected women on 8 March. Here is why MintWomen Achievers To Take Over PM Modi’s Social Media Accounts To Mark Women’s Day NDTV Top stories – Google News