PV Subramanyam calls Sebi’s move to start new asset class fantastic The Economic TimesSEBI’s proposal on new risky asset class for mutual funds: Blessing or a curse? MoneycontrolSebi mulls new asset class to fill gap between mutual fund, PMS The Economic TimesIndia’s mom-and-pop investors may get a taste of the big league if this Sebi plan works out Business TodaySEBI proposes to bring ‘new asset class’ with minimum investment limit of Rs 10 lakh The Indian Express PV Subramanyam calls Sebi’s move to start new asset class fantastic The Economic TimesSEBI’s proposal on new risky asset class for mutual funds: Blessing or a curse? MoneycontrolSebi mulls new asset class to fill gap between mutual fund, PMS The Economic TimesIndia’s mom-and-pop investors may get a taste of the big league if this Sebi plan works out Business TodaySEBI proposes to bring ‘new asset class’ with minimum investment limit of Rs 10 lakh The Indian Express Top stories – Google News