Queens of the stone fruit and grape expectations: Australia’s best-value fruit and veg for February

Queens of the stone fruit and grape expectations: Australia’s best-value fruit and veg for February

Late summer brings juicy plums, plump figs and golden queen peaches, while creamy Reed avocados are stealing the salad spotlight from Hass

The final month of summer heralds peak season for grapes, new varieties of stone fruit and a glut of salad leaves in every shade of green.

Figs are in their prime and about 99c each, says Brendan North, owner of Paradise Farm Markets in Tamworth, New South Wales. “You usually pay $1 to $1.50 for figs this time of year,” he says.

Continue reading… Late summer brings juicy plums, plump figs and golden queen peaches, while creamy Reed avocados are stealing the salad spotlight from HassGet our weekend culture and lifestyle emailThe final month of summer heralds peak season for grapes, new varieties of stone fruit and a glut of salad leaves in every shade of green.Figs are in their prime and about 99c each, says Brendan North, owner of Paradise Farm Markets in Tamworth, New South Wales. “You usually pay $1 to $1.50 for figs this time of year,” he says. Continue reading… Australian food and drink, Food, Fruit, Vegetables, Australian lifestyle, Life and style 

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