Qunkasaura: New sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous discovered in the Iberian Peninsula

Qunkasaura: New sauropod dinosaur from the Cretaceous discovered in the Iberian Peninsula

A new study led by Portuguese paleontologist Pedro Mocho, from the Instituto Dom Luiz of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CIÊNCIAS), has just been published in Communications Biology. It announces a new species of sauropod dinosaur that lived in Cuenca, Spain, 75 million years ago: Qunkasaura pintiquiniestra. A new study led by Portuguese paleontologist Pedro Mocho, from the Instituto Dom Luiz of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CIÊNCIAS), has just been published in Communications Biology. It announces a new species of sauropod dinosaur that lived in Cuenca, Spain, 75 million years ago: Qunkasaura pintiquiniestra. Paleontology & Fossils Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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