I often write about research studies from various fields and how they can be applied to the classroom. I write individual posts about ones that I think are especially significant, and will continue to do so. However, so many studies are published that it’s hard to keep up. So I’ve started writing a “round-up” of some of them each week or every other week as a regular feature.
You can see all my “Best” lists related to education research here.
Here are some new useful studies (and related resources):
Socioeconomic Status and Student Learning: Insights from an Umbrella Review is a very long new study whose primary purpose is unclear to me, but which, nevertheless, brings together an exhaustive list of studies describing outside-of-school factors that influence student learning. I’m adding it to The Best Places To Learn What Impact A Teacher (& Outside Factors) Have On Student Achievement.
Why Black Teachers Matter is a new research paper. I’m adding it to New & Revised: The Best Resources For Understanding Why We Need More Teachers Of Color.
Graham Nuthall: Educational research at its best is from Research Ed.
There’s a lot to digest in Which learning techniques supported by cognitive research do students use at secondary school? Prevalence and associations with students’ beliefs and achievement.
Learning and memory under stress: implications for the classroom is another newer study worth reading.
I often write about research studies from various fields and how they can be applied to the classroom. I write individual posts about ones that I think are especially significant, and will continue to do so. However, so many studies are published that it’s hard to keep up. So I’ve started writing a “round-up” of research studies Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…