This barbecue-style dish uses a tangy Trinidadian favourite, tamarind, in the marinade to add sweetness to the meat – cook in the oven or over coals, depending on the forecast
Barbecued meat isn’t exclusive to any ethnic group in the Caribbean. The term “barbecue”, however, originates with the (now dwindling) Amerindian people and is derived from the Taino word for the raised wooden structure used, among other things, to cure meat, barbecoa. A common misconception is that jerk chicken is popular throughout the Caribbean, when it is in fact only a chart-topper in Jamaica. From Cuba down to Guyana, you’ll find iterations of “BBQ chicken”, though, and this one uses that tangy Trinidadian favourite, tamarind.
Discover this recipe and many more from your favourite cooks in the new Guardian Feast app, with smart features to make everyday cooking easier and more fun
Continue reading… This barbecue-style dish uses a tangy Trinidadian favourite, tamarind, in the marinade to add sweetness to the meat – cook in the oven or over coals, depending on the forecastBarbecued meat isn’t exclusive to any ethnic group in the Caribbean. The term “barbecue”, however, originates with the (now dwindling) Amerindian people and is derived from the Taino word for the raised wooden structure used, among other things, to cure meat, barbecoa. A common misconception is that jerk chicken is popular throughout the Caribbean, when it is in fact only a chart-topper in Jamaica. From Cuba down to Guyana, you’ll find iterations of “BBQ chicken”, though, and this one uses that tangy Trinidadian favourite, tamarind.Discover this recipe and many more from your favourite cooks in the new Guardian Feast app, with smart features to make everyday cooking easier and more fun Continue reading… Food, Chicken, Meat, Main course, Barbecue, Caribbean food and drink, Side dishes, Potatoes, Salad, Vegetables