Reading time, 2 minutes: Can watching others help students learn faster and understand better? It is considered that mirror neurons facilitate the imitative learning process; students learn by observing others, fostering empathy, social behaviour, and skill acquisition through imitation. Understanding mirror neurons and their role in learning Mirror neurons are a special class of brain cells that activate both […] Reading time, 2 minutes: Can watching others help students learn faster and understand better? It is considered that mirror neurons facilitate the imitative learning process; students learn by observing others, fostering empathy, social behaviour, and skill acquisition through imitation. Understanding mirror neurons and their role in learning Mirror neurons are a special class of brain cells that activate both Academic Research, Cognitive Science, Teaching and Learning, classroom practice, empathy in students, learning through imitation, mirror neurons, modelling in teaching, neurodiversity, Neuroeducation, Social Learning, Student Engagement, teaching and neuroscience, teaching strategies TeacherToolkit
Role of Mirror Neurons in the Learning Process