This week, astronomers reported the discovery of a super-Earth potentially capable of sustaining life, occupying an eccentric orbit around its star that oscillates in and out of the habitable zone. The first mouse engineered with embryonic stem cells from two dads has lived into adulthood. And researchers reconciled morphological and genomic evidence of the geographic origins of domestic sheep over millennia, shedding light on human migration. This week, astronomers reported the discovery of a super-Earth potentially capable of sustaining life, occupying an eccentric orbit around its star that oscillates in and out of the habitable zone. The first mouse engineered with embryonic stem cells from two dads has lived into adulthood. And researchers reconciled morphological and genomic evidence of the geographic origins of domestic sheep over millennia, shedding light on human migration. Other – latest science and technology news stories
Saturday Citations: Spider zombies; the morphology of cute dogs; entropy is coming for everyone