Seafloor sediment reveals previously unknown volcanic eruption 520,000 years ago in south Aegean Sea

Seafloor sediment reveals previously unknown volcanic eruption 520,000 years ago in south Aegean Sea

“Core on deck!” For two months, whenever I heard that cry, I would run up to the deck of the JOIDES Resolution to watch the crew pull up a 30-foot (10-meter) cylindrical tube filled with layered, multicolored rock and sediment drilled from the seafloor beneath our ship. “Core on deck!” For two months, whenever I heard that cry, I would run up to the deck of the JOIDES Resolution to watch the crew pull up a 30-foot (10-meter) cylindrical tube filled with layered, multicolored rock and sediment drilled from the seafloor beneath our ship. Earth Sciences Environment – latest science and technology news stories

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