- SEBI proposes relaxing offer-for-sale norms, extending exemption of one-year holding period Moneycontrol
- Sebi considers ESOP relaxation for startup founders ahead of IPOs Business Standard
- Sebi to review minimum shareholding period for OFS in IPOs, FPOs; mulls changes in ESOP rules The Economic Times
- Sebi mulls to clarify on ESOPs for founders classified as promoters; min holding period in OFS Mint
- SEBI proposes easing offer-for-sale norms: What investors need to know about exemption for holding period Upstox
SEBI proposes relaxing offer-for-sale norms, extending exemption of one-year holding period MoneycontrolSebi considers ESOP relaxation for startup founders ahead of IPOs Business StandardSebi to review minimum shareholding period for OFS in IPOs, FPOs; mulls changes in ESOP rules The Economic TimesSebi mulls to clarify on ESOPs for founders classified as promoters; min holding period in OFS MintSEBI proposes easing offer-for-sale norms: What investors need to know about exemption for holding period Upstox Top stories – Google News