Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani shares update on his health: ‘Thank you for your love, prayers’ Hindustan TimesShah Rukh Khan’s Health Update, Shared By Manager Pooja Dadlani: “He Is Doing Well” NDTV MoviesTips to protect yourself from a heatstroke The Indian ExpressShah Rukh Khan warmly met his specially-abled fan despite being unwell after IPL match. Watch Hindustan TimesShah Rukh Khan health update: K D Hospital’s doctors say King Khan is likely to be discharged today Moneycontrol Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani shares update on his health: ‘Thank you for your love, prayers’ Hindustan TimesShah Rukh Khan’s Health Update, Shared By Manager Pooja Dadlani: “He Is Doing Well” NDTV MoviesTips to protect yourself from a heatstroke The Indian ExpressShah Rukh Khan warmly met his specially-abled fan despite being unwell after IPL match. Watch Hindustan TimesShah Rukh Khan health update: K D Hospital’s doctors say King Khan is likely to be discharged today Moneycontrol Top stories – Google News