Share your experience of working and paying into a pension

Share your experience of working and paying into a pension

Pensions, Money Business | The Guardian

​We’d like to find out how actively involved people are in saving for their pensionWe are interested in finding out more about different pension systems around the world and how engaged people are with their savings plan.If you are still working, how actively are you involved in your pension and do you think it will be enough when you retire? If not, what are your plans for when you stop working? What, if anything, do you think you will get from your state pension? Continue reading… 

We’d like to find out how actively involved people are in saving for their pension

We are interested in finding out more about different pension systems around the world and how engaged people are with their savings plan.

If you are still working, how actively are you involved in your pension and do you think it will be enough when you retire? If not, what are your plans for when you stop working? What, if anything, do you think you will get from your state pension?

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