Size matters: Bioinformatics accurately detects short, fat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Size matters: Bioinformatics accurately detects short, fat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Penicillin was hailed as “the silver bullet” when it was discovered, as it had the unprecedented quality of being able to kill disease-causing bacteria without harming the human body. Since then, a multitude of other antibiotics have been developed that specifically target a wide range of bacteria; but the more often they are used, the greater the risk that antibiotic-resistant strains will arise. Penicillin was hailed as “the silver bullet” when it was discovered, as it had the unprecedented quality of being able to kill disease-causing bacteria without harming the human body. Since then, a multitude of other antibiotics have been developed that specifically target a wide range of bacteria; but the more often they are used, the greater the risk that antibiotic-resistant strains will arise. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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