Sleeping with air conditioning on landed woman in hospital, know risks of overnight AC use

Sleeping with air conditioning on landed woman in hospital, know risks of overnight AC use

A British woman fell seriously ill with tonsillitis after sleeping with air conditioning on in a Turkish hotel, leading to hospitalization and an IV drip treatment. The likely cause was moldy air from the AC unit. She experienced high fever, sore throat, and body aches, mistaking her symptoms for COVID-19 initially. A British woman fell seriously ill with tonsillitis after sleeping with air conditioning on in a Turkish hotel, leading to hospitalization and an IV drip treatment. The likely cause was moldy air from the AC unit. She experienced high fever, sore throat, and body aches, mistaking her symptoms for COVID-19 initially.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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