Sporadic Radio Pulses Traced to White Dwarf-Red-Dwarf Binary System

Sporadic Radio Pulses Traced to White Dwarf-Red-Dwarf Binary System
Artistic illustration showing the radio pulses emitted by the binary star system: a white dwarf in orbit around a red dwarf. Image credit: Daniëlle Futselaar / artsource.nl.

Astrophysicists have found that a recently-discovered transient radio source, ILT J110160.52+552119.62, whose roughly minute-long pulses arrive with a periodicity of 125.5 min, is an red dwarf-white dwarf binary system.

The post Sporadic Radio Pulses Traced to White Dwarf-Red-Dwarf Binary System appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Astrophysicists have found that a recently-discovered transient radio source, ILT J110160.52+552119.62, whose roughly minute-long pulses arrive with a periodicity of 125.5 min, is an red dwarf-white dwarf binary system.
The post Sporadic Radio Pulses Traced to White Dwarf-Red-Dwarf Binary System appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, Binary star, Hobby-Eberly Telescope, ILT J1101+5521, LOFAR, Long-period transient, Multiple Mirror Telescope, Orbit, Radio signal, Red dwarf, White dwarf Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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