Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts

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Are you a school or district leader tasked with figuring out AI policy, AI curriculum, AI training, and ALL THE AI THINGS?

Join us in this insightful interview with Ryan Findley from Evergreen AI as we explore the critical topic of “Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts.”

We know that AI is here to stay, but that leaves schools with a big question (or, as Ryan calls it–a wicked problem) on how to manage, set policies, train, and prepare for AI in our classrooms and AI everywhere!

The good news is that Evergreen Education is here to help school leaders navigate the murky waters of AI and develop long-term plans and goals.

Evergreen Education’s AI Academy is now available to help school leaders and districts tackle these important tasks! (And Shake Up Learning readers get a HUGE discount!)

Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts

In This Video, We Cover:

The importance of strategic planning for AI in education
Challenges schools face with AI integration
Evergreen AI’s comprehensive approach to supporting schools (Policy, Professional Development, AI Literacy, and more)
The AI Academy: A year-long virtual cohort program that takes districts through an end-to-end AI implementation process, readying your system for the Age of AI, including:


Acceptable use
Tech policy (blocked sites)
Emergency Response Plans
Student Handbook
Parent Permission

Professional Development for Teachers and Staff

Personal workflows – Course outline and Teaching calendar update
Brainstorming new activities or ways to connect concepts to current events
Administrative tasks
Improve teaching and learning

Legalities and ethics

Protecting student data
Ethics of assessing student work with AI
AI-leveraged Pedagogy
Supporting/monitoring students

AI Literacy for Students

General safety training
Academic honesty
AI as a study buddy, collaborator, multiplier
AI as a must-have skill of the future
21st Century Skills that must go along with AI

Featured Speakers in this video:

Kasey Bell: Award-winning digital learning coach, teacher, author, speaker, and host of The Shake Up Learning Show
Ryan Findley: Former educator and expert from Evergreen AI, specializing in AI integration in education

Key Topics:

The role of AI in modern education
Effective AI policies and professional development
Student engagement and AI literacy
Legal and ethical considerations in AI usage

*Related: AI-Powered Choice Boards Mini Workshop

The AI Academy

AI Academy Program Highlights:

AI Taskforces: Groups dedicated to developing AI strategies for districts
Guided Tours and Labs: Learn from leading AI thinkers and experiment with new approaches
Support Network: Access to a cohort-based community for continuous learning and feedback
The first cohort starts in July, but new cohorts will start throughout the year.

AI Academy Discount for Shake Up Learning Subscribers

Use code = SHAKE for $250 off individual
Use code = SHAKEUP for $500 off teams
Enroll here

© Shake Up Learning 2023. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kasey Bell and Shake Up Learning with appropriate and specific direction to the original content on See: Copyright Policy.

The post Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts appeared first on Shake Up Learning.

 The post Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts appeared first on Shake Up Learning.
Are you a school or district leader tasked with figuring out AI policy, AI curriculum, AI training, and ALL THE AI THINGS? Join us in this insightful interview with Ryan Findley from Evergreen AI as we explore the critical topic of “Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts.” We know that AI is hereContinue Reading
The post Strategic AI Planning for School Leaders and Districts appeared first on Shake Up Learning. Artificial Intelligence, Professional Development, ai Shake Up Learning

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