Tell us: have you completed a running event wearing an amusing costume?

Tell us: have you completed a running event wearing an amusing costume?

We want to hear what it’s like to run events such as marathons while wearing fancy dress

More than 50,000 runners are expected to join the London Marathon on 27 April, after the event through the capital’s iconic sites helped raise £73.5m for charity last year.

Some people will be pushing themselves to achieve a competitive time, but other participants will be running in fancy dress.

Continue reading… We want to hear what it’s like to run events such as marathons while wearing fancy dressMore than 50,000 runners are expected to join the London Marathon on 27 April, after the event through the capital’s iconic sites helped raise £73.5m for charity last year.Some people will be pushing themselves to achieve a competitive time, but other participants will be running in fancy dress. Continue reading… Life and style, Running, Marathon running 

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