marionbrun / Pixabay
A fair amount of commentary, some of it inaccurate and some helpful, compares teachers and hospitals to doctors and hospitals when discussing school reform.
Here are some resources, including past posts in this blog, that might be helpful in navigating that discussion:
‘The wrong diagnosis:
The differences between medicine and teaching are often not a difference in degree, but in kind.’
— Bernard Andrews (@bernywern) June 25, 2024
Medicare Penalizes Nearly 1,500 Hospitals For Poor Quality Scores is from NPR, and shows that some hospitals get penalized unfairly for the same reasons inner-city schools receive criticism.
Why Evaluate Teachers and Doctors Differently? is by Walt Gardner at Education Week.
Should “Efficiency” Really Be The Driving Force In Hospitals (And Schools)?
Here’s an interesting NY Times article about performance pay for doctors, and here’s Paul Thomas’ commentary on it.
Walt Gardner wrote another post — Preparing Doctors and Teachers.
Coaching is Good for Doctors and Teachers Both is by John Thompson.
NY Times Column Skewers Performance Pay
A fair amount of commentary, some of it inaccurate and some helpful, compares teachers and hospitals to doctors and hospitals when discussing school reform. Here are some resources, including past posts in this blog, that might be helpful in navigating that discussion: ‘The wrong diagnosis: The differences between medicine and teaching are often not a best of the year, school reform Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…