Our Mexican food specialist gives us her take on hot sauces from UK supermarkets
• ‘An absolute belter’: Grace Dent tests the best extra-chocolatey biscuits
What a fun job, tasting hot sauces! I had a great time with my 13-year-old and her Ethiopian pal, who assured me of her skill in this department thanks to the traditionally spicy food her family eats at home.
We tasted the sauces on their own and with food. Both are essential: with the first drop, you’re looking for the flavour profile and overall taste; with the second mouthful on food – in our case a margherita pizza – you’re looking for how the heat and flavour of the sauce cut through. The moment the heat from the chillies comes into contact with food, especially carbohydrates and fats, the potency is reduced and the heat is sucked up. If you want a sauce to season food and enhance its flavours, then you need more heat than is obvious, and definitely more heat than when tasting the sauces on their own.
Continue reading… Our Mexican food specialist gives us her take on hot sauces from UK supermarkets• ‘An absolute belter’: Grace Dent tests the best extra-chocolatey biscuitsWhat a fun job, tasting hot sauces! I had a great time with my 13-year-old and her Ethiopian pal, who assured me of her skill in this department thanks to the traditionally spicy food her family eats at home.We tasted the sauces on their own and with food. Both are essential: with the first drop, you’re looking for the flavour profile and overall taste; with the second mouthful on food – in our case a margherita pizza – you’re looking for how the heat and flavour of the sauce cut through. The moment the heat from the chillies comes into contact with food, especially carbohydrates and fats, the potency is reduced and the heat is sucked up. If you want a sauce to season food and enhance its flavours, then you need more heat than is obvious, and definitely more heat than when tasting the sauces on their own. Continue reading… Food, Sauces and gravies, Life and style