The debate continues over ‘creamy layer’ in India’s reservation system Hindustan TimesSupreme Court verdict on sub-classification: How CJI underlined substantive equality The Indian ExpressSC Proposed Creamy Layer for Dalits, But Bombay HC Couldn’t Follow Existing Reservation Policy The WireMallikarjun Kharge to hold discussions with Congress-ruled States on judgment on Scheduled Castes sub-categorisation The HinduShikha Mukerjee | Caste, data & sub-quotas: No wriggle room for PM Deccan Chronicle The debate continues over ‘creamy layer’ in India’s reservation system Hindustan TimesSupreme Court verdict on sub-classification: How CJI underlined substantive equality The Indian ExpressSC Proposed Creamy Layer for Dalits, But Bombay HC Couldn’t Follow Existing Reservation Policy The WireMallikarjun Kharge to hold discussions with Congress-ruled States on judgment on Scheduled Castes sub-categorisation The HinduShikha Mukerjee | Caste, data & sub-quotas: No wriggle room for PM Deccan Chronicle Top stories – Google News