The moment I knew: he gave the homeless man his number in case he needed someone to talk to

The moment I knew: he gave the homeless man his number in case he needed someone to talk to

Anna Johnston vowed she would only settle for a man taller than herself. Then she met Josh and realised true height is measured in acts of kindness

Find more stories from The moment I knew series here

When I was nine years old, I kept a diary. One entry contained a list of four essential requirements for my future husband. Number one was that he wears sunscreen (because naturally, that’s what all responsible men do). Number two, he has a good sense of humour. Number three, he had to be as kind as my grandfather Fred. As the sweetest, most selfless man I had ever met, he was the gold standard to which I measured all men. Number four, he had to be very tall (as a long lanky child, I correctly predicted that I would be a tall woman).

It was a decade later, in the lunch line at a week-long university camp, that I met Josh. I could smell the SPF30 from a metre away. Tick. We sat at the same table to eat, and although our conversation began with lighthearted jokes about our mutual disappointment over the salad rolls instead of a hot lunch and our love for Seinfeld, it soon turned much deeper as he opened up about some serious family health scares and how he’d turned his life around in the last year.

Continue reading… Anna Johnston vowed she would only settle for a man taller than herself. Then she met Josh and realised true height is measured in acts of kindnessFind more stories from The moment I knew series hereWhen I was nine years old, I kept a diary. One entry contained a list of four essential requirements for my future husband. Number one was that he wears sunscreen (because naturally, that’s what all responsible men do). Number two, he has a good sense of humour. Number three, he had to be as kind as my grandfather Fred. As the sweetest, most selfless man I had ever met, he was the gold standard to which I measured all men. Number four, he had to be very tall (as a long lanky child, I correctly predicted that I would be a tall woman).It was a decade later, in the lunch line at a week-long university camp, that I met Josh. I could smell the SPF30 from a metre away. Tick. We sat at the same table to eat, and although our conversation began with lighthearted jokes about our mutual disappointment over the salad rolls instead of a hot lunch and our love for Seinfeld, it soon turned much deeper as he opened up about some serious family health scares and how he’d turned his life around in the last year. Continue reading… Dating, Life and style, Australian lifestyle, Relationships 

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