The new crop of transparent facial sunscreens leave no trace

Wearing face SPF every day is now mainstream – and transparent protection is perfect for more oily skins

It occurred to me recently, as another huge assortment of new SPF products landed on my desk, that for the first time in my career the daily wearing of facial sunscreen is mainstream.

Whether it’s due to the meteoritic rise of anti-ageing ingredients such as retinol and AHAs (which demand diligent sun protection) or our increased vanity and education around skin ageing, the penny has dropped and we are seeing far better, more sophisticated and consumer-friendly sunscreens as a result.

Continue reading… Wearing face SPF every day is now mainstream – and transparent protection is perfect for more oily skinsIt occurred to me recently, as another huge assortment of new SPF products landed on my desk, that for the first time in my career the daily wearing of facial sunscreen is mainstream.Whether it’s due to the meteoritic rise of anti-ageing ingredients such as retinol and AHAs (which demand diligent sun protection) or our increased vanity and education around skin ageing, the penny has dropped and we are seeing far better, more sophisticated and consumer-friendly sunscreens as a result. Continue reading… Life and style, Skincare, Skin cancer, Beauty, Fashion 

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