Gormless, fluffy, demanding, he brought so much comedy into our lives. Then tragedy struck
Late one night, at the end of January, my cat Misty came downstairs, tore me away from the Horror channel with a series of unusual cries, stretched his mouth wide like a yawning lion, shivered, collapsed and died. He was a fortnight shy of his ninth birthday.
If I said that I loved him and that this sudden, wrongful loss floored me for days, drained the world of light and colour for weeks and still jabs at me now, I would be stating what any but the most exasperated pet owner would recognise as the bleeding obvious. But if I said that six months down the line I think about him more often and more painfully than I did about my mother six months after she died, at the age of 88 in 2022, I might cross a line for some of you.
Continue reading… Gormless, fluffy, demanding, he brought so much comedy into our lives. Then tragedy struckLate one night, at the end of January, my cat Misty came downstairs, tore me away from the Horror channel with a series of unusual cries, stretched his mouth wide like a yawning lion, shivered, collapsed and died. He was a fortnight shy of his ninth birthday.If I said that I loved him and that this sudden, wrongful loss floored me for days, drained the world of light and colour for weeks and still jabs at me now, I would be stating what any but the most exasperated pet owner would recognise as the bleeding obvious. But if I said that six months down the line I think about him more often and more painfully than I did about my mother six months after she died, at the age of 88 in 2022, I might cross a line for some of you. Continue reading… Pets, Bereavement, Life and style, Animals