PwC, Tax, Accountancy, Australia news, Business, Australian economy Business | The Guardian
Australia should be working with like-minded countries to design and build a new architecture of corporate oversight and integrityThe “big four” accounting firms – PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG – have long played a critical role in capitalism with their collective monopoly on audits of the financial reports of large corporations in every major jurisdiction around the world.With a combined total of well over a million employees, they are major players in a variety of businesses. They advise managers, support merger transactions, supply skilled labour and help corporate clients reduce their tax bills. Australia is one market in which they have become among the biggest providers of services to governments. Continue reading…
Australia should be working with like-minded countries to design and build a new architecture of corporate oversight and integrity
The “big four” accounting firms – PwC, Deloitte, EY and KPMG – have long played a critical role in capitalism with their collective monopoly on audits of the financial reports of large corporations in every major jurisdiction around the world.
With a combined total of well over a million employees, they are major players in a variety of businesses. They advise managers, support merger transactions, supply skilled labour and help corporate clients reduce their tax bills. Australia is one market in which they have become among the biggest providers of services to governments.