The resolutions founders wish they’d made sooner

The resolutions founders wish they’d made sooner

New Year’s resolutions often come with a lot of pressure, but for some, they’re less about the perfect goal and more about creating lasting change. Whether it’s making more time for family, focusing on self-care, or tackling personal challenges head-on, these commitments can lead to growth and transformation. 

We asked a few inspiring leaders to share the best resolution they ever made—and the powerful impact it had on their lives. From balancing health and adventure to learning to trust their gut, here’s how these resolutions shaped their journeys.

Mick Spencer, co-founder and chairman of Gravity Drinks 

The best resolution I ever made was about balance—balancing health, family, and adventure. It started with a commitment to run at least 5k three times a week. My body thanked me, and so did my mind. Next, I vowed to drop my eldest at daycare twice weekly—those moments of laughter and goodbye kisses became highlights of my week.

Lastly, I promised to travel monthly, even if just nearby. These small getaways became adventures my family treasures. These commitments aren’t just resolutions; they’re investments in myself and the people I love, proving that consistency and presence create the best stories.

Ben Lucas- Director of Flow Athletic

The best resolution I ever made was my 2024 resolution, and it was to spend more time with my children. My business didn’t suffer,if anything it has grown. It forced me to be more productive and to delegate. In return, I have an even better family life and relationship with my kids 

Luke McLeod founder of Wellbeing at Work and SoulAlive

The best resolution I’ve ever made was to start meditating. Meditation has helped me in all areas of my life. It’s helped me with my work/business by being able to focus better and make clearer decisions. In my personal life, it has helped me destress, be calmer and be more composed in my day-to-day. Lastly, it has given me a tremendous appreciation for life itself, the greatest yet most under-appreciated gift of all.

Glenn Phipps- founder and author of Stretch Yourself Strong

When I resolved to write a book 4 years ago I knew it would grow my business. And I knew I’d have to get my act together to find the time to do it. But I didn’t realise how much I would learn about myself while undertaking the challenge.

Doubt has held me back from many things, and even at the end of the writing, I nearly didn’t see it through. Finishing it was harder than I ever imagined, and constantly wondering if it was even worth it was a niggling voice on my shoulder that nearly saw the whole manuscript binned. Becoming more aware of that voice, and succeeding despite it has been a huge win. Weirdly, it was equally as hard to decide when it was finished. The inner perfectionist would still be tweaking minor details if external forces didn’t put a deadline in place. Sometimes, just calling “done” is more important than how things end up.
Setting any sort of challenge often serves up more lessons than we first realise, but hard things are usually the ones worth doing!

Lela McGregor- Founder & Chief Executive Officer HIGHWAY FOUNDATION

The best resolution I ever made was to trust my gut.

I had hired a researcher with a PhD who constantly told me what I couldn’t do, proudly taking on the role of devil’s advocate. Over time, her voice overshadowed my own, and I ignored the growing tension in my stomach. I felt increasingly disconnected from my inner vision for my charity. The day I decided to let her go, I experienced a profound sense of freedom and clarity. Fear gave way to courage to make bold decisions that led the charity to success. Failure is always preferable to regret—the worst feeling of all. At least with failure you are moving forward and you are learning.

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 We asked inspiring leaders to share the best resolutions they ever made and the impact it had on their lives News, resolution Dynamic Business

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