The return of Bladerunner the humpback and Spilt Fin the killer whale—a cautionary tale about seafaring vessels

The return of Bladerunner the humpback and Spilt Fin the killer whale—a cautionary tale about seafaring vessels

In the past few days, two well known survivors of the battle between marine mammals and vessels have been spotted in Australian waters. I’m talking about Bladerunner the humpback and Split Fin the killer whale. Both have become famous for the massive scars they bear on their bodies, inflicted by boats. In the past few days, two well known survivors of the battle between marine mammals and vessels have been spotted in Australian waters. I’m talking about Bladerunner the humpback and Split Fin the killer whale. Both have become famous for the massive scars they bear on their bodies, inflicted by boats. Plants & Animals Ecology – latest science and technology news stories

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