The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in High-Stakes Assessment

Reading Time: 2 minutes Can AI revolutionise the way we assess students? AI has the potential to transform high-stakes assessments, making them more reliable, efficient, and fair. The current problem is, how do we start the conversation … Increasing accuracy and reducing bias? AI technology is increasingly integrated into high-stakes assessments, like exams and standardised tests. Traditionally, these assessments […] Reading Time: 2 minutes Can AI revolutionise the way we assess students? AI has the potential to transform high-stakes assessments, making them more reliable, efficient, and fair. The current problem is, how do we start the conversation … Increasing accuracy and reducing bias? AI technology is increasingly integrated into high-stakes assessments, like exams and standardised tests. Traditionally, these assessments Academic Research, Examinations, Technology (edTech), AI, Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, bias, Cognitive Science, Education Policy, Exams, Feedback, high-stakes, Neuroeducation, Reliability, teachers, Workload TeacherToolkit

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