This simple 1-minute test could tell if you will die early

This simple 1-minute test could tell if you will die early

A grip test, involving holding a weight for one minute, can reveal risks of early death from various age-related diseases. Weak grip strength may indicate declining muscle and overall health. Other tests, like hanging from a pull-up bar, further help assess longevity. Reduced handgrip strength is linked to declining cognitive wellness, frailty, and increased mortality. A grip test, involving holding a weight for one minute, can reveal risks of early death from various age-related diseases. Weak grip strength may indicate declining muscle and overall health. Other tests, like hanging from a pull-up bar, further help assess longevity. Reduced handgrip strength is linked to declining cognitive wellness, frailty, and increased mortality.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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