- Twitter’s iconic bird logo sold for nearly $35,000 at auction Moneycontrol
- Twitter bird sign sells for nearly $35,000 at auction The Economic Times
- Twitter’s iconic bird logo sold for thousands of dollars at auction; can you guess the price? Mint
- Twitters iconic bird logo sells at auction; heres the surprising price The Tribune India
- Twitter bird sign sells for more than £27,000 at auction Largs and Millport Weekly News
Twitter’s iconic bird logo sold for nearly $35,000 at auction MoneycontrolTwitter bird sign sells for nearly $35,000 at auction The Economic TimesTwitter’s iconic bird logo sold for thousands of dollars at auction; can you guess the price? MintTwitters iconic bird logo sells at auction; heres the surprising price The Tribune IndiaTwitter bird sign sells for more than £27,000 at auction Largs and Millport Weekly News Top stories – Google News