Understanding long-term development of earthquake-related faults in central Italy

Understanding long-term development of earthquake-related faults in central Italy

Literal groundbreaking research by Dr. Giorgio Arriga enhances our understanding of the long-term evolution of seismogenic (earthquake-related) faults in the Apennines of Central Italy. Arriga’s study examines the development of fault systems over millions of years and their impact on present-day seismic hazards. His research included an investigation of faults in the L’Aquila Basin, a region severely affected by a major earthquake in 2009 that claimed over 300 lives, leading to a significant discovery. Literal groundbreaking research by Dr. Giorgio Arriga enhances our understanding of the long-term evolution of seismogenic (earthquake-related) faults in the Apennines of Central Italy. Arriga’s study examines the development of fault systems over millions of years and their impact on present-day seismic hazards. His research included an investigation of faults in the L’Aquila Basin, a region severely affected by a major earthquake in 2009 that claimed over 300 lives, leading to a significant discovery. Earth Sciences Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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