Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a type of remote sensing from satellites that uses the reflection of radio waves to relay information about the surface of the earth. This reflection, or backscatter, is responsive to physical properties, such as roughness, vertical structure, and moisture. SAR is widely used for different types of mapping and monitoring, but signal interference in urban environments can cause distortions that make SAR data difficult to interpret. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a type of remote sensing from satellites that uses the reflection of radio waves to relay information about the surface of the earth. This reflection, or backscatter, is responsive to physical properties, such as roughness, vertical structure, and moisture. SAR is widely used for different types of mapping and monitoring, but signal interference in urban environments can cause distortions that make SAR data difficult to interpret. Earth Sciences Environment – latest science and technology news stories
Using historical radar data to map changes in urban environments